Paper Plate Cassowary
Paper Plate Cassowary
Make a paper plate cassowary from the Daintree Rainforest in Tropical North Queensland.
Our printable template is designed to be printed directly onto coloured construction paper (card stock recommended), but you could alternatively print to white paper and colour the shapes in yourself.
Paint a paper plate half (size needed: 17cm/7"), then glue on the paper legs and head on to create your cassowary. They look fabulous hanging on the wall!
Making this craft will help kids to:
• Practice fine motor skills cutting, glueing and painting
• Increase self esteem by accomplishing the finished product
• Spend time being creative away from screens
This is a printable pdf file and includes:
• Printable template saved as a pdf file in both A4 size with Aus/UK english spelling, and US letter size with US English spelling
• Printable photographs and step-by-step instructions on how to make the craft
• Both an "At home" template (best for making one cassowary) and a "Classroom set" (best for making more than one cassowary)